Green Tomato Chutney
Green Tomato Chutney Directions
- Place the tomatoes and onions in pan and add balsamic vinegar. Bring to boil and simmer for 20 minutes.
- Add the chillies and continue to cook until soft (appx 30 mins).
- Add the sugar and cook for another 30 - 40 mins, stirring occasionally to make sure the chutney does not burn. The mixture should start to look like dark treacle and will reduce in volume.
- Add the Certo and simmer rapidly for a further 15 minutes. Remove a small amount and allow to cool, at which point the chutney will thicken (cook a little longer if required)
- Place in sterilized jars and seal as normal.
- Chutney should keep up to a year -- if you can resist it that long!
- Great with cheese and cold meats